In Five Oaths, players play gallóglaigh in the band Cumhacht na Réig, working in the land of Tirneach. Here you can learn more about the setting of our game.
- The Five Realms: The principal setting for Five Oaths events, and most player characters will hail from them.
- The Species: There are ten species for players to choose from, each with their own culture and abilities.
- The Church of the Shaper: The Shaper is the only god worshiped in mainstream Tirneach society, and all galloglaigh swear an oath to them.
- The Réig: The ruler of all Tirneach, who ultimately commands the galloglaigh.
- History of the Realms: Tirneach has a long and storied history, but here are some highlights.
- Tirneach Society: The Five Realms may feel unusual, the society being heavily inspired by medieval Ireland. Some notable features are explained here.
- Other Setting: Features setting articles that just don’t fit anywhere else!