Due to having to reschedule our most recent event, Tickets have been put back on sale! If you couldn’t make the old date, but can make the new one, they’ll be onsale here until the 12th of May!
New Characters
We’re reopening new character submissions! If you haven’t submitted a character yet, you may do so until 23.59, 12 of May! This is particularly relevant if you’re monstering and don’t have a character- You can request a slot in which you get to play your character if you’re on a Monster ticket, so this is a great opportunity to get that sorted ahead of the event! Just submit your character via the Database here.
Likewise- If you haven’t been insured through us already, we’re happy to process insurance requests through our partner body CCC3! If your insurance was sorted for the previous event, either as a guest or a member, you have nothing to worry about: You’re already insured. Otherwise, get in touch before May 12th and we can get you signed up.
Monstering Signups
Due to the change of date, several players who would have been monstering as part of their attending the event can no longer make it: As such, we’re re-opening monstering signups from scratch at around 8pm, Monday 13th of May! Look out for an email on that if you have purchased a ticket to the event on Monday.
If you have any questions on the above, get in touch at
Thanks for your patience over what has been a rough month for Five Oaths LARP: Looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible in the field next weekend!
The Five Oaths Event Team